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Fun with Find Conditions
You can pass more than simple strings to find conditions. Arrays, ranges, and nil values can be passed as well. In this episode you will see the tricks involved with passing these odd objects to find conditions. (Update: audio fixed).
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>["complete=? and priority=? ", false, 3])
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM tasks WHERE (complete=0 and priority=3)
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>["complete=? and priority=? ", false, nil])
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM tasks WHERE (complete=0 and priority=NULL) >>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>["complete=? and priority IS ? ", false, nil])
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>["complete=? and priority in ? ", false, [1,3]])
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM tasks WHERE (complete=0 and priority IN (1,3))
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>["complete=? and priority in ? ", false, 1...3])
SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM tasks WHERE (complete=0 and priority IN (0,1,2))
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>{:complete=>false, :priority=>1})
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>{:complete=>false, :priority=>nil})
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>{:complete=>false, :priority=>[1,3]})
>>Task.count(:all, :conditions=>{:complete=>false, :priority=>1...3})
本文转自 fsjoy1983 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/fsjoy/131625,如需转载请自行联系原作者